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    A State of the Art Trainning Solutions.
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    Internationally recognized health and safety qualifications.
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    Covering a wide range of disciplines and industries.

Purchasing & Logistics Seminars

1 - Effective Purchasing, Tendering and Supplier Selection

2 - The Effective Buyer

3 - Mastering Project Management: Leadership Strategies and Organizational Excellence

4 - Project Procurement and Contract Management

5 - Project Planning, Scheduling and Control

6 - Advanced Contracts Management

7 - Contract Management and Tendering

8 - Advanced Contracts and Project Management

9 - Advanced Project Management

10 - Contract Writing, Planning and Management

11 - Purchasing Negotiations Workshop

12 - Supplier Assessment and Performance Measurement: Managing Vendor Qualification, Performance and Contract Compliance

13 - Managing Tenders, Specifications and Contracts

14 - Best Practices in Managing Construction Projects

15 - The Purchasing and Contracts Essentials

Course Title Location Cost From To
Effective Purchasing, Tendering and Supplier Selection Cairo 26-1-2024 30-1-2024
The Effective Buyer Cairo 23-2-2024 27-2-2024
Mastering Project Management: Leadership Strategies and Organizational Excellence Cairo 22-3-2024 26-3-2024
Project Procurement and Contract Management Cairo 12-4-2024 16-4-2024
Project Planning, Scheduling and Control Cairo 26-4-2024 30-4-2024
Advanced Contracts Management Cairo 3-5-2024 7-5-2024
Contract Management and Tendering Cairo 10-5-2024 15-5-2024
Advanced Contracts and Project Management Kuwait 14-6-2024 16-6-2024
Advanced Project Management Kuwait 5-7-2024 6-7-2024
Contract Writing, Planning and Management Cairo 16-8-2024 20-8-2024
Purchasing Negotiations Workshop Cairo 13-9-2024 17-9-2024
Supplier Assessment and Performance Measurement: Managing Vendor Qualification, Performance and Contract Compliance Cairo 4-10-2024 8-10-2024
Managing Tenders, Specifications and Contracts Cairo 8-11-2024 12-11-2024
Best Practices in Managing Construction Projects Cairo 15-11-2024 19-11-2024
The Purchasing and Contracts Essentials Cairo 27-12-2024 31-12-2024