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Industrial Security

The Security Officer Development Program: Module 1: Developing Professional Leadership and Practical Skills and Techniques


Security Officers and Guards are professionals who work in a variety of organizations and with diverse groups of people. As such, they require the necessary skills and knowledge to enhance both personal and organizational performance. As quickly as the world and its continents change and develop, so do risks and threats of dealing with people of this world. Organizations can no longer view security departments and employees as lower-level functions. These departments and their employees need leadership and management skills which allow for alignment with the organizational vision, mission, and goals. In order to ensure staff in these departments function effectively within the realm of the larger organizational objectives, it is essential that security officers have skills to lead their staff and department teams and individual guards have the required skills and expertise to provide an effective response to implementing successful security.

In order to achieve a consistent level of best practice in leadership and management, the security officer and guard needs to understand the requirements of the industry, their organization and department, their team and their security projects.

This comprehensive seminar is designed to equip delegates with skill, knowledge, and ability to perform their duties to international standards and current best practices in both leadership and management areas. About the course is an opportunity to develop leadership skills that will assist in working better together, learning to handle conflict situations, implementing time management techniques and understanding the need to have an attitude that is accepting of the change. The course is structured to develop management skills in technical security areas of roles and functions, risk assessment, legislation, health-safety, incident control, and crisis management. This highly interactive and hands-on seminar is designed to empower participants to have an opportunity to learn, understand and practice techniques that make security work more efficient and effective, therefore creating conditions for productivity.


Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify best management practice and effective policy implementation on leading security officer principles
  • Identify best leadership practices for security professionals
  • Learn to build communication strategies, vital to a successful and productive security team
  • Learn how leaders create rapport, build trust and establish credibility in a workgroup
  • Build positive interpersonal and influencing techniques in team relationships
  • Use techniques of effective and efficient time management
  • Develop strategies to deal with stress, conflict, and change
  • Identify best practice and effective policy implementation on leading security solutions
  • Effectively operate and interact with a security function
  • Identify communication strategies to build more productive communications
  • Understand the roles of Security Officer
  • Know how to effectively diffuse and deal with conflict
  • Understand special risk requirements
  • Identify the components of an Improvised Explosive device (IED)

Target Audience

About the course will be of benefit to those who find themselves responsible for or involved with mobile or static guarding or implementing guarding security in both the public and the private sector.

  • Security supervisors - officers
  • Facility supervisors - officers
  • HR and administrative supervisors responsible for the security
  • Health and Safety - Fire personnel

In addition, it will raise awareness for the personnel who have been allocated -potential- or specific tasks in an existing security course yet have had insufficient time to devote to the subject.

Industrial Security Outline

The course covers the following topics:

Leadership challenges for the Security Professional in our 24-7 21st Century

  • Introductions, goals and objectives of the seminar
  • Leadership challenges facing today-s Chief Security Officer (CSO) and workforce
  • Position Power and Personal Power
  • Strategic Management vs. Leadership
  • Overview of Leadership challenges in Security Management
    • Managing the New Strategic Risks
  • Leadership characteristics of Security Professionals in the 21st century
  • ·  Consider the seven demands of Leadership in Security Work

Leadership Demands and Time Management Issues in Security

  • Leadership in Security Incident Management
  • Leadership in Command and Control of Security Incidents
  • Leadership demands in Security Crisis Management
  • Time Management Issues:
    • Factors which contribute to time management problem
    • Identifying the way our approach to work affects the way we work
    • Suggestions for techniques which will help us manage our time
    • Several common time wasters
    • Proper delegation techniques

How Positive Interpersonal, Interaction and Influencing Skills Improves Security Work

  • Identification of interpersonal influencing Skills
  • Engaging and Channeling your new Skills
  • Influencing Meetings
    • What goes wrong in business meetings?
    • Planning and Preparation, the Agenda
    • Meeting Control - 13 points to make your meeting productive
  • Planning and Preparing to Influence
    • Influencing work situations
    • The persuasive Funnel and Rapport Breakers
    • Influencing Upwards
    • o    Ten tips how to influence the board

Communications and Security Reputation Management

  • Communication techniques - verbal, non-verbal and written
  • Who and when should the CSO communicate with?
  • Who are the identified stakeholders?
    • Each will demand a different message, at a different time
  • Communication and interaction openness develops trust
  • Understanding another-s type of interaction takes active listening
  • Interpersonal interaction preferences differ
  • Building and maintaining trust is vital for success

Dealing with Stress, Conflict and Change

  • What is stress and how can we deal with it better
  • What are typical stressors in security management
  • Recognizing stress and physical reactions to stress
  • Managing Conflict - Techniques to identify and resolve personal conflict
  • Conflict Management Styles and resolution
  • Recognizing response to and perceptions of change
  • Analyzing and preparing for the human reaction to change
  • DVDs and final Syndicate Exercises
  • Open Forum, time permitting


Ref Location From To Cost
IS01 Cairo 7-6-2024 11-6-2024